Today the postman brought me the opposite of a LWB, a GCB (Giant Colour Book) of the Tarot of the Holy Light, by Christine Payne-Towler & Michael Dowers, and yes this special format of their creation gets my seal of approval, 2 thumbs up and a fitting place in my collection!
This large-sized booklet (in size similar to a journal - I've put both other card editions beside it for size comparison) is more than just "a blown up" little white book, it feels similar to print-work one can sometimes get at a vernissage - containing the background, worked out theme and images of the works presented.
It's a preview/overview of the work and art gallery that is their deck, thank you very much my dears
This large-sized booklet (in size similar to a journal - I've put both other card editions beside it for size comparison) is more than just "a blown up" little white book, it feels similar to print-work one can sometimes get at a vernissage - containing the background, worked out theme and images of the works presented.
It's a preview/overview of the work and art gallery that is their deck, thank you very much my dears
and for those interested: the decks (colour or B&W) the book (496 pages) and now even uncut press sheets are still available at the Tarot University website