25 October 2011

Triomphes De Paris by Bertrand Saint-Guillain

This deck is the result of a grand love affair, passion even the artist, Bertrand Saint-Guillain, has for the craftsmanship and art of the 17th & 18th century French cardmakers. Published this year, in a first edition run of only 6 (I have  number 5 and I adore it, it feels like a paper made treasure, an ancient manuscript in card form) if you wouldn't know what date it was published it could have come from any era (well 20th century that is, otherwise there would have been deterioration)

The artist told there could be 50 decks made if the molds can take the printings and if there is enough demand.

Inspired by the Jacques Viéville tarot as a lead, a source without following it slavishly.The black & white trumps are small sized, printed on heavy unlaminated stock, red backs are glued onto them. Worth of the great artisans this decks execution has been entirely traditional, excepted only for the substitution of linoleum for printing, in stead of woodblocks, and also for use of modern papers and a light powered heat source.

You can see them all and even contact through his website
Sadly the original hand-made edition is now OOP
Update: a new edition of the deck is available 

05 October 2011

Stolen Child Tarot - a Major Arcana Deck, by Monica Knighton

I'm back with a new deck that seeks the means to be finished and get published through the use of a fund-raising site (this time that site is Kickstarter). And yes I'd love to see it published!

The artist of this deck in the making is Monica Knighton, who we know as the creator of the Tarot Of The Dead, someone who knows about tarot and self-publishing (she published the first edition of her deck herself).

The name and inspiration for this deck came from one of her favourite poems, the Stolen Child, by William Butler Yeats  -- in particular the refrain:
“Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.”

There are more images on Monica's Facebook page
The KicksSarter page  for it is here

03 October 2011

Tarot of the Holy Light by Christine Payne-Towler and Michael Dowers

If there is one deck I'd advise to get it would be this one (in my humble opinion worthy of the title deck of the year, decennium or even bigger...)

It is an, as they artist state (and strongly emphasize), a traditional Continental-style deck, nothing modern, nothing (post) Golden Dawn to be found, not in images nor in the underlying system. Here the images project us in the world of the 16- and 1700's science and magic, the images used in alchemical, gnostic & hermetic texts...all the esoteric knowledge of the time - the art itself is consistent throughout the deck and what i would call in equilibrium, between the positive and negative energies represented by each arcanum. The framework these images where build upon, as by a skilled architect (or would I in this context use mason), by Michael is from that same period and world view, forming an alchemical marriage of flesh and mind. To know more about the correspondences uses Christine advises to get a copy of The Occult Power of Numbers, by W. Wynn Westcott, but i think Agrippa's three books of occult philosophy could also provide a wealth of information.

So indeed an impressive work deep mysterious and powerful, BUT you do not need to get your study books out and spend hours immersing in the esoteric systems, the deck can be used right out of the box.

The cards are printed upon nice quality textured (linnen-like) card-stock, sturdy yet not stiff supple without being bendy, so they will stay looking good for a very long time!

You may notice the art upon the box is completely different from those in the cards, the reason is simple, box and cards where made by 2 different artists -  Michael found it important his brother made the art for the box, and that he did his own thing to it.

The deck can be obtained through here and there is a lot more of information to be found about it there also.

Update: The deck is now available as an app for iPhone and iPad  here (as well for the The Rosetta Tarot and others)