06 May 2010

Tarot of the Red Jester

I do love Beth Seilonen's decks they breath such a cheer and light hearted atmosphere a what the French would call "Joie de vivre", and who said tarot has to be all serious dark broody and heavily mysterious? Well certainly not me, tarot can be dark symbolically hermetic etc... but it can be also fun and happy and equally be valid!

The latest brainchild (if it's from the brain or from the heart or both...) is the Tarot of the Red Jester, a full 78 cards deck and expansion of one of her very first decks, a fun simple, but not simplistic remake of the WCS-standard but seen through the Red Jesters eyes. No dark or frightening images, even death looks cute while juggling skulls (great deck for readings with children i would say...). There are also, for those who know Beth other work, some returning themes/figures like the Tree Spirits (who now get their own suit even (wands have been renamed Tree Spirits, Pentacles became Spheres). All in all a nice little deck without any pretension, that exists in 2 versions one with and one without key-phrases. This deck (and her others) can be seen at her homepage here

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