16 March 2012

A Photo Based Tarot Journey on the Evolution of Becoming

It seems that one interesting fundraiser ends and there is always a new one to jump into it's wagon, it looks like that self-publishing artist really discovered this way of getting their project of the ground this last year.

The latest one in that row is this one with the rather long title mentioned above (no i'm not going to repeat it) it is photo based but in such a way treated that they become like images right from a daytime reverie or a sweet misty dream you cant really recall but that felt sooo good and comfortable. All information and lot's of promising looking images can be found at the kickstarter page for it here and if you want to know more about the artist you van look here at her personal website full of nice images to drool over.

And off course I hope enough people get interested and fund it so it can become a real physical deck.

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